The profits of this business are split between myself and fueling the fires of other individuals who, in their own way, are also navigating by my star, my guiding question:

How can we bring beauty and balance to the modern world -

through preserving and translating indigenous ways of being?

Each person has a different approach, relationship, and experience with this direction, and I welcome any and all trajectories to apply.

I do ask that you meet the following criteria:

You have your own project or guiding question focused enough to give you direction, broad enough to allow for possibilities you encounter along the way.

You have clearly identified a few next steps, and have specific needs for funds.

Are an individual applying for your own use. I believe an individual with a passion can stay more focused, move more nimbly, and keep safe the flame of a dream more reliably than groups inevitably hampered by administrative concerns. You certainly can/should work with or within organizations, collaborations, or partnerships.

Please fill out the form below. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. 

Please note: due to the financial impact of the time of the COVID cocoon, I will be recovering from debts incurred for some time. Funds may not be available (because I may not be profitable) until sometime in 2021.

Please do apply now, so we can connect and plan.